Monday, September 27, 2010

The Beginning

I am starting this blog to document and share the experiences that I have over the next... unknown time frame... that I will be living as a locavore. My "low carbon diet" is based off of the statistic that the average food item travels 1500 miles from farm to fork (A commonly referenced statistic based off of a study called "Food, Fuel, and Freeways" conducted in 2001 by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture in Iowa). Eating local means decreasing the carbon emissions that are generated by transporting food far distances. This adventure was sparked by a personal "sustainability goal" required by the Graham Undergraduate Sustainability Scholars seminar that I am taking this fall semester.

I officially submitted my goal as the following:

"I will attempt to eat most, if not all, local food. I plan to purchase food products from the People's Food Co-op and the Farmer's Market. On top of eating locally, I will also try to purchase most, if not all, unpackaged foods (produce and bulk items). I will save all waste generated by these said items (not including food waste).

Food items that I will not limit to local sources include spices, tea, coffee, and items that I already own.

Setbacks I foresee include lack of variety of crops that grow in Michigan in November and December, difficulties eating out with friends, time management between school and cooking all of my meals.

I plan to track my progress by keeping note of all the food items that I purchase over the semester, creating a blog of my experiences, and taking pictures of my experiences and meals."

I sincerely look forward to the months ahead of me because this challenge is forcing me to focus on my relationship with food, an entity that I consider a true love of mine. Convenience, a substantial factor in most people's food choices, will no longer be a significant component in my own food choices. Instead I will focus on taste, quality, and the impact and consequences of the food I purchase and eat.

The resolution has been made though the details are not set in stone. I expect that my rules will evolve as the days roll by and with each new obstacle. Anyways, I am excited that you are taking the time to share this journey with me and I hope that you post any comments/questions/concerns!

Let it begin...


  1. great challenge! take lots of pictures:)

  2. Bring it local comida... lets see whatchu got.
