Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am having a very serious craving for carrot cake...

...but considering that it's midnight and making cake is most likely just some (tasty) way for me to procrastinate studying for the final I have on Thursday, I will (most likely) restrain myself.

But I thought I'd share.

And use blogging as a way to justify the almost inevitable likelihood that I will make carrot cake at 2 a.m.


  1. not to be an enabler, but here is a raw version

  2. I crave sweets every night I think-- I usually try to crave my sweets with fruit first... than maybe a littlel chocolate :)

  3. Ohh, I've got a recipe for that craving! I made this at the class I taught last week and it was a hit - My Naturopath said it reminded him of licking the batter bowl when he was younger :) Here ya go:
    Carrot Cake Smoothie - 1 C carrot juice, 2 C frozen bananas, .25 C almonds, 1 C water, .25 C soaked raisins, 2 tsp cinnamon, pinch of vanilla. Blend and enjoy!!
